The REAL Enemies of Humanity

Humanity has been divided into numerous different sub-groups through generations of social engineering and programming by design. The purpose of this tactic is to get us fighting and arguing amongst one another over trivial, unimportant issues to keep us occupied and from realizing the true reality of our situation. And that reality is one in which we are unknowingly and unwittingly slaves to a system very few of us are even aware exists. Yet, this system of enslavement was set up nearly 3 centuries ago and has been refined over and over again until our present day. It is a multi-faceted system that includes control of education, media, government, and the economic engine of the world. We’re all just cogs in a machine created by others for the purpose of harvesting our energy. But, it doesn’t HAVE to be that way any longer if we choose to abolish that system and create a new one. That is the sole purpose of this website. To get people to think, realize our situation and take POSITIVE action to change it for the betterment of all humanity and our planet.

We are living in times that are the culmination of a quest for global domination by certain groups of “elitists” and very wealthy members of societies throughout the world, but primarily based in the British Empire. The city of London is the financial capital of the world and was set up that way by the Rothschild family over a span of at least a century between the 18th and 19th centuries. The wealth that is created from the central banking systems in which money is literally created out of thin air and then lent to nations at interest to be paid back by taxing the citizens is the very root of human enslavement and the primary cause of wealth inequality to this very day. Yet, hardly anyone knows about this fact. They fight about skin color, sexual orientation, political affiliation, and cults of personality; never once understanding that all of this was created to keep them from seeking the truths that could free them from their chains.

Thus, the true enemies of humanity are those who create the lies that violate Natural Law on a daily basis in the lives of billions on this planet. And the ones who bear the consequences of such violations are those not who create the lies, but those who mindlessly believe and act upon them. This is the ultimate root of all misery and suffering on the planet. The belief and acting upon a lie. And the lies are legion and legendary. By beginning to seek truth and align with reality, will we finally be able to begin the process of healing. But, we’re running out of time.

As the content on this page will show, we are at the end game of an agenda that has been in the works for the past 50 years. It is an agenda created by Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to create a Single governmental force to rule over the entire planet. You’ve probably heard it referred to as “The New World Order.” These NGOs are funded by the wealthiest people in the world under the guise of “philanthropy” as well as the taxpayers of nations around the entire earth and have been used to create the illusion that the destruction of the sovereignty of nations and the elimination of individual rights will somehow lead to a peaceful world. But, the propaganda is NOT even close to the reality of the ultimate goal of these criminals.

The ultimate goal is a world of neo-feudalism in which the middle classes are completely eliminated and only a very wealthy class and their enforcement arms control a very poor and dependent population which has been reduced to 500 million people globally. That means over 7 billion ultimately need to die and they don’t really care how it is accomplished. The are devoid of compassion, empathy, love, or any concern for humanity at all – other than for the resources they can extract from them. They view humanity as just another animal to be used as beasts of burden. Seeing and understanding the plans they have put forth for humanity is shocking and sobering. It is only in understanding our planned future and resisting it at all costs that we will be able to stop it and create a better plan for humanity that honors the individual and their inherent and inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The picture above is a good representation of the power structure of the world.  In understanding this picture, we can find the solutions to free humanity because you have to know your enemy and the rules by which THEY are playing if you want to have a chance at winning the rigged game.  And what everyone needs to understand is that the system NEEDS US more than we ever needed them.  In fact, we don’t need them at ALL, so why are we still submitting to their will!?  Simple.  Ignorance, fear and apathy.  That is what keeps us enslaved. Period.  The good news is, we don’t have to comply with them at all.  We MUST construct a NEW system and build a NEW firewall that is impervious to being corrupted and hijacked.  The proposals are on the Plan To Save Humanity page of this website.

As we can see, humanity is the mass of the population on the bottom of the pyramid.  What is supposed to protect us and our enemies at the upper sections of the pyramid are the level just above us; government, media, and education.  This is supposed to be a firewall between us and those who choose to use us as simple resources to be used at their whim and what this section is going to show is how these 3 interlocking sectors of that firewall have all been infiltrated over the past 244 years to be used against us and no longer protect us in any way, shape or form.  Unless and until this paradigm is overturned and We, The People reclaim our sovereign birth rights, we will never truly be free.

While the takeover of education is featured on the Critical Thinking page of this website, we’ll be focusing on the other two aspects of the firewall, government and media, as well as the rest of the pyramid, including control of the money supply (and ultimately, the entire global economic system), corporations, “think” tanks, and Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs).

How Central Banking Enslaves Humanity

As we saw on the “Warnings” page, the control of a nation’s monetary supply by private, for profit bankers is perhaps the #1 enemy of prosperity, economic freedom, and peace.  We have been warned for generations – over 2 centuries – of the detrimental effects of allowing privately owned, central banking would have on society.  Do we think it’s about time to change our attitude?  Do we think it’s about time to perhaps learn the nature of our debt enslavement before we’re on a fully digital, tracked, traced and social credit score system?!

The three animated videos below are a perfect introduction to how the world was hijacked and put into this fraudulent prison.  All three are also perfect for home-schooling your children from ages 7 to 18 and beyond!  Once the system is exposed as the trap it truly is, the world will begin to seek the solutions laid out in another page on this site!

Video descriptions (from Left to Right): 

(Description from Video Host) The American Dream is a 30 minute animated film that shows you how you’ve been scammed by the most basic elements of our government system. All of us Americans strive for the American Dream, and this film shows you why your dream is getting farther and farther away. Do you know how your money is created? Or how banking works? Why did housing prices skyrocket and then plunge? Do you really know what the Federal Reserve System is and how it affects you every single day? THE AMERICAN DREAM takes an entertaining but hard hitting look at how the problems we have today are nothing new, and why leaders throughout our history have warned us and fought against the current type of financial system we have in America today. You will be challenged to investigate some very entrenched and powerful institutions in this nation, and hopefully encouraged to help get our nation back on track.

Please support the video creators by buying the high quality video from their website:

Money As Debt & Money As Debt II: Promises Unleashed: (From Wikipedia)

Money as Debt is a 2006 animated documentary film by Canadian artist[1] and filmmaker Paul Grignon[2] about the   monetary systems  practised through modern banking.[3] The film presents Grignon’s view of the process of money creation by banks and its historical background, and warns of his belief in its subsequent unsustainability. [4][5][6]  Subsequent Money as Debt videos include   Money as Debt II: Promises Unleashed (2009)[7]  and   Money as Debt III: Evolution Beyond Money (2011).

The film was conceived by Grignon in 2002 as an introduction to a 5-hour video commission for United Financial Consumers. He prefaced his video lecture with a re-telling of The Goldsmith’s Tale in animation form titled  Money as Debt. The Goldsmith’s Tale is noted in the film as being “a brief and broadly allegorical history of banking” and should not be viewed as a complete or entirely accurate account of the  history of banking. Expanded over a six-month period in 2006, it was Grignon’s first full length animation project

Visit the creator’s website for solutions! 

The two videos below are a deeper dive into the world of international finance and show exactly how  humanity has been enslaved by this illegitimate, debt-based system that grossly violates the Natural Laws of economics.  The Secret of Oz is an excellent video and perhaps, an abridged version of Bill Still’s 1996 classic, 3 1/2 hour documentary, The Money Masters, which was one of the first documentaries I watched in the first few weeks of my personal awakening back in 2007!  In this incredibly insightful look at the global monetary system, Bill shows us how The Wizard of Oz was more than likely an allegory and fictional warning similar to Martin Walpert’s non-fictional  The Coming Battle (featured on the Warnings page) for the corrupt banking system and how it would conquer the world if allowed to take over our nation’s treasury.

The documentary on the right, Century of Enslavement: The History of the Federal Reserve is another very well researched and compiled documentary from James Corbett of The Corbett Report (featured often throughout this website because he is one of the best independent researchers and journalists on this planet!). In this look at the monetary system, James looks more at the motives and incentives behind the controllers of the machine and their ultimate goals in imposing this system on humanity.

This documentary is the one that woke me up back in April of 2007!!  After watching this I was shell shocked and transformed forever.  The challenge given at the end of the movie I suppose I really took to heart because I am still going at it, 13 years later, trying to awaken the masses to the reality of our enslavement! 

This version of the movie includes an additional interview at the end with the producer, Aaron Russo, in which he describes the plan to track and trace society as we are now seeing come to fruition in 2020!

In February of 2013, Michael Rivero of What Really wrote an article titled, “All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars” that he subsequently read on air.  The content was so powerful in its indictment of the global central banking system of the world as the instigators of all wars that it went viral.  Soon thereafter, Zane Henry of Zane Henry Productions took it upon himself (as amazing artists are wont to do) to put the audio to video content and released it to the world.  He updated it a few times to finalize this masterpiece that must be seen by the everyone!  Below is a short excerpt from the original article:

Behind all these wars, all these assassinations, the hundred million horrible deaths from all the wars lies a single policy of dictatorship. The private central bankers allow rulers to rule only on the condition that the people of a nation be enslaved to the private central banks. Failing that, said ruler will be killed, and their nation invaded by those other nations enslaved to private central banks. 

The so-called “clash of civilizations” we read about on the corporate media is really a war between banking systems, with the private central bankers forcing themselves onto the rest of the world, no matter how many millions must die for it. Indeed the constant hate mongering against Muslims lies in a simple fact. Like the ancient Christians (prior to the Knights Templars private banking system) , Muslims forbid usury, or the lending of money at interest. And that is the reason our government and media insist they must be killed or converted. They refuse to submit to currencies issued at interest. They refuse to be debt slaves. 

The pdf document to the left is a highly sourced article on history of war agitation by the central banking class of the world.  It is without a doubt the sole cause of all war and most unnecessary misery in the world.  The history proves this and it is time for this madness to come to it’s well overdue demise.

Perception Management & The Assault on Objective Truth

The birth of perception management and public relations began at the dawn of the 20th century when the ruling criminal class of robber barons and bankers were widely hated by American society.  As you can see from this short clip from Psywar, the art of manipulating facts to deceive the masses into believing information against their best interests is a finely honed art by now. 

As can be seen from the Warnings page on this website, the tax exempt foundations have played a significant role in setting up the pervasive collectivist ideology destroying American society today.  From Rockefeller to Gates and many others, “philanthropy” is merely the guise of predatory capitalists to calm the public suspicion of their true and criminal intentions.

If nothing else will convince you that what we believe has been carefully constructed to make us perceive whatever it is the ruling criminal class wants us to believe, these first few paragraphs of one of the most important books of the 20th century should.  Edward Bernays is featured heavily in the first part of documentary below called The Century of the Self.  He has been called the father of propaganda and was behind many false beliefs that many still hold as objective truth to this very day.  Until the public en masse understands the power of propaganda and develops the tools to critically analyze all information coming from supposed “authority” figures, we will continue to be mentally enslaved, and thus, physically constrained as well.

When you first go through the process of awakening and accept that most of what you have been taught and believe is a fabricated lie, you begin to question everything you know.  And when you begin to question, you begin to earnestly seek answers to those questions. 

This video is one of the important documentaries I came across very early in my awakening and it confirmed what I had long suspected.  That the media is highly controlled (if not COMPLETELY controlled) from behind the scenes to create a perception of whatever the controllers what the public to believe.  The report from Congressman Oscar Callaway in the Congressional Record from 1917 is perhaps the most important part of this documentary as it literally proves the birth of “fake news” all the way back 105 years ago!!

The video below is a fascinating look at the birth of public relations with Bill Moyers that originally aired in 1984.  An interview with an aged Edward Bernays is featured. The truth of our enslavement is really out there.  All we need to do is seek the truth, accept it and adjust our beliefs. 

This documentary by Adam Curtis from 2002 is another one I stumbled across very early on in my awakening process and it allowed me to better understand why so many people believe what they do and their motivations behind doing so.  This first part features Edward Bernays and his relationship to his uncle, Sigmund Freud.  This is an absolutely fascinating look behind the veil of public perception management to see how it all came about and how we got to where we are in the world today!  4 hours well worth spending your time to learn more about our true reality!

Part 1: Happiness Machines

Part 2: The Engineering of Consent

Part 3: There Is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed

Part 4: Eight People Sipping Wine In Kettering

The Minds of Men is a 3+ year investigation into the experimentation, art, and practice of social engineering and mind control during the Cold War — a mind-bending journey into the past that gives startling insight into the world we are living in today.  Aaron and Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media did an amazing job researching and compiling this documentary that was released in 2008.  It clearly shows the concerted effort by government to figure out how to hack and control the mind above and beyond simply propaganda and perception management.  It is a frightening look into a part of government that not many people know their own taxpayer money is funding.

The “Power” of Non-Governmental Organizations

Gary Allen was perhaps one of the greatest investigative reporters and lecturers in American history who exposed the true power behind the veil of secrecy that runs the world.  He wrote 10 books and hundreds of articles before his untimely demise at the young age of 50 years, but his work is prolific and has been read by millions around the world.  Why things haven’t changed yet with the number of people who know the truth is mind boggling, but I suppose critical mass has yet to be achieved.

The four lectures below cover a wide spectrum of corruption and control on the global stage.  He names names and the organizations that ultimately hold the reins of power in the world.  Every single one of these speeches connects a few more pieces of the puzzle together for the inquiring and curious minds that truly want to understand not only the warnings of the past, but exactly who was in place that set into motion the actions that brought the world to the brink of complete enslavement in 2020.  I have also included his all time classic, “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” in pdf for your reference.

Content Description Coming SOON!!

This is an vitally important documentary that reveals two of the most powerful and influential Non-Governmental Organizations in America that have unelected and unaccountable power over the “elected” represented legislators in this country and around the world.  

The Council on Foreign Relations was set up as the American wing of the Fabian Socialist Cecil Rhodes’ Round Table Group to infiltrate and influence the American political machine.  It is a subversive organization that has been working in the open to undermine American sovereignty and to bring it into a one-world government, communist system controlled by the United Nations.

This is and INCREDIBLY powerful 42 minute video that ties MANY of the pieces together and exposes not only the agenda to enslave all of humanity, but those who are behind the plan to do so.   The world is not even close to the way the vast majority perceive it to be and it is this way because of the attack on our consciousness via weaponized MEDIA and the destruction of our education system.  It’s only in connecting the dots and seeing the prison for what it is that we will ever be able to escape.  This is a MUST SEE VIDEO!!!

Content Description Coming SOON!!

Much of this site has been dedicated to exposing the Left/Collectivist wing of the false political paradigm, but the Right certainly doesn’t get a pass as it has been sufficiently infiltrated and subverted as well.  John F. McManus, President of The John Birch Society, exposes the history and agenda of the Neoconservative movement. Filmed on May 2, 2005 at the Marriott Hotel in Albany, NH. Links to informative news articles of related interest by The New American magazine and other sources:

Neoconservatism’s Deadly Influence: A look at the roots of neoconservatism and the reasons why this deadly movement must be rejected in favor of the true conservatism as envisioned by our Founders.

Neocon Control Neoconservatives gained control of the Republican Party by subverting conservatives and the conservative message, but their political pillar has many cracks.

Our Planned Technocratic & Communitarian Future

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