The Plandemic Exposed

You fully know you are living in very precarious and dangerous times when you are told by supposed “leaders” around the entire world to only listen to ONE source of information that has shut down virtually the entire economic engine and devastated billions of lives.  “Trust the experts” we’re told over and over even when they have been wrong since day 1 and have not apologized for their miscalculations!  No questions are allowed and anyone who challenges the “official narrative” is silenced, censored, ridiculed and de-monetized or completely removed from the most popular social media portals.  We are living in a world that George Orwell envisioned in his dystopian novel, “1984” where truth is routinely censored and replaced with information “The Party” wants its citizens to believe.

The fact that we have been told “the debate is over” or we were never allowed to have a debate in the first place should be concerning to everyone!  Virtually the entire world has been locked down in one way or another and billions of lives have been adversely affected.  But, for what?!  Why are the voices on this page censored, silenced and ridiculed?!  Do you really think those in charge of how this world works (the controllers of the monetary systems, corporations, & thus, the global economy) care about you?  Why are we NOT allowed to hear anything in the main stream media that contradicts what we are being told by the “authorities?”  The official narrative has created a completely false reality in which everyone just “pretends” that there is an actual pandemic when the facts and statistics PROVE that there isn’t and never was one!  To continue to believe and act on the lie is a special kind of insanity.  An insanity created by ignorance of the truth and fear of the unknown.

This page of the website is to give those who challenge the status quo a place to voice not only their opinions, but their scientifically sound and even MORE compelling arguments showing that the “pandemic” is nothing more than a distraction to invoke fear and panic while other agendas are implemented in the background.  There is still ZERO proof that there is a dangerous “virus” being transferred from one person to another and spreading around the world killing people in massive numbers.  ZERO PROOF!!  Everything is smoke and mirrors and the general public which is, sadly, the MAJORITY of people in this world fall for the lies over and over without checking to see if what they believe is actually TRUE!!  As you will see from the articles and videos below, a contagion has never been isolated and the tests they are using to create the “illusion” of a “pandemic” are meaningless!

The bottom line is this:  If there is NO VIRUS, there is NO PANDEMIC!!!  It is all a massive deception to break the global economic engine, divide people into even MORE hated factions and bring about “The Great Reset” envisioned by the ruling criminal class of this planet for 50 years.  Information like this getting out to the WORLD can save this planet and humanity from what’s to come if we do not UNITE, RISE and RESIST!  Their greatest FEAR is the Great Awakening of the Masses!!

The “Virus” Has STILL Not Been Proven To Exist!

In this short, 8 minute video, Spiro Skouras of Activist Post and host of his own YouTube and BitChute channel interviews Dr. Andrew Kaufman and inquires about the existence of the actual “virus” causing the supposed “pandemic.”  There is NO scientific proof that it exists and is spreading causing the widespread havoc portrayed on TV all day, every day.  The panic is fully media induced & illusory.

The entire interview was broken down into 5 sections with added content and uploaded to The Freedom Project Project 2020’s BitChute channel in its own playlist as well as in its own blog on this site

Dr. Andrew Kaufman goes into further detail in this video explaining how the supposed virus was “identified” and shows how it is a complete fraud because it violates all scientific maxims.  He also goes on to explain exactly what exosomes are and how what they are “testing” for in all of the COVID tests are actually helpful and aiding in the detoxification process.

To prove the existence of a virus that causes symptoms of or an actual disease, certain criteria need to be met.  None of those criteria have been met for COVID-19, and yet, the reaction to this fraud has destroyed lives, families, businesses and the global economic engine.  And, no one is allowed to ask the really difficult questions. 

Jon Rappoport is one of the best investigative reporters out there exposing the fraud and crimes of the Big Pharma Machine and Medical Industrial Complex.  He has been on the case for nearly 40 years and knows how to follow the money and connect the dots.  In this article just one month into the “pandemic,” he shows that proof of the cause of the supposed disease has never been met. (Click the image to read the full article and delve through his entire body of work!)

Interesting factoid here.  Koch’s Postulates has NEVER been satisfied for ANY supposed virus as causing disease.  See the Terrain v. Germ Theory page for more information. 

Béchamp was right and Pasteur wrong.   He even supposedly admitted it on his death bed and his germ theory has NEVER been proven using this widely accepted standard . His will instructed that his journals and work be sealed upon his death and not revealed until the last of his children had passed away.  What has come out since then is that he was a complete fraud who was trying to hide the fact that his entire legacy was based on lies, plagiarism and lazy “science.” 

Yet, a $4 trillion annual industry is based on these same lies and scientism.  It is time for the world to reveal this deception for what it is and begin to understand the REAL science and Natural Laws behind health and healing.

This article shows how statistics and so-called “scientific data” has been grossly manipulated to support the draconian dictates of governments gone completely out of control around the world. The fact that this was done virtually in unison globally shows the  pre-planned an premeditated nature of this psyop.  

The “data” has been purposely doctored, computer models rigged to show incredible death around the world and no one has taken the fall or been  charged with any crimes.  That alone shows anyone with the ability to think that the entire system from top to bottom is rigged against the people of this world and only operating to enrich and empower the very small percentage of people at the top of the power structure. (Click on picture for full article.)

Dr. Timothy O’Shea, author of “Vaccination is Not Immunization,” uploaded this video on April 16, 2020.  He issues a challenge for anyone who can PROVE a COVID-19 diagnosis in which he will reward them $5000.  His money is safe because he goes on to show that the virus does NOT in fact, exist, and how the numbers and statistics are all manipulated to create fear in the populations of the world to further an agenda.

In this comprehensive 2 hour video titled, “A Return to Sanity,” Dr. Terry Tillaart reveals many truths unknown to the general public because The Big Pharma Cartel has virtually complete control over the AMA, FDA, CDC, WHO and every other so-called health “authority” and the media machine that delivers their message.  That message is, “the body is inherently flawed and so, in order to “heal” it, the individual must ingest poisonous toxins.” 

This is obviously an insane paradigm in which to live, but it is the reality under which most of the Western world has been forced to endure for over a century now.  It is time for that to change and for humanity to regain our health and vitality! 

What is “Project Immanuel?”

In this video we would like to introduce Project Immanuel, which critically examines the scientific background of the so-called “Corona Crisis.” With the help of the natural scientist and virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka, all fundamental publications on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 are closely scrutinised and scientifically examined in a series of posts. Our main objective is to make science understandable to everyone. All the necessary technical terms and scientific procedures of virology and microbiology that one needs to know and understand are explained in a way that is easy for everyone to comprehend and illustrated with many examples.  Clearly, given the incredible information revealed in this video below, we are NOT being told the truth by any “health authority” throughout the entire world!

For a full description and more information on this project, please click here.

There are many people online and elsewhere who will tell you that the actual “coronavirus” has been isolated and purified and that there are at least 20 studies that show this to be true.  They will also claim that the “science” is on their side.  What they haven’t done is actually look deeper into these actual “studies” supporting that propaganda.  It’s all scientism and nothing more.

This article describes what is required to prove a contagion using the first 2 steps of Koch’s postulates.  When you understand the information on this 2 page explanation and compare it to the actual “studies” that people are claiming show that the “coronavirus” is real and causing all this imaginary “illness,” it doesn’t hold water whatsoever.

In this video, Dr. Thomas Cowan explains how the supposed studies are flawed and really show nothing at all when compared to the actual requirements needed to satisfy Koch’s Postulates.  He also speaks with his co-author, Sally Fallon Morell, on how their new book, The Contagion Myth, is being censored by their publisher and other sellers!  Makes one wonder exactly what are “they” so terrified that people may learn?!  The truth is under attack so it is more important than ever to learn and share this information!

***UPDATE!!***  This video was REMOVED by YouTube the day after it was posted so I downloaded it and am hosting it here!  The powers that be are terrified of this information getting out into public consciousness! To share with others, you can find the original on Odysee here.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman was invited to speak at the Red Pill Expo this year, held from October 9-12 on Jekyll Island, the location where the Federal Reserve System of the United States was created in complete secrecy from the public!!  In this amazing speech, Dr. Kaufman shows just how deep the deception is behind the COVID-19 “pandemic” fraud!  This is a MUST SEE presentation for anyone wanting to understand just how false the paradigm in which most people live truly is!!

Play Video

Here is MORE  proof that you won’t see on any main stream media platform that the virus does NOT exist and has not been sufficiently proven to do so.  Because nothing other than the “official narrative” is allowed to be broadcast on corporate controlled television.  Gemma O’Doherty is an award winning investigative journalist based in Ireland.  

In this video, she shows conclusive proof that health officials or governments around the world have NO justification for any of what they have done to their nations and communities.  This is one of the greatest crimes against humanity in history!

Hundreds of Doctors Question The Official Narrative!

From the Bulgarian Pathology Association and, of course, NOTHING you will EVER see in weaponized, “Western” main stream media because it COMPLETELY contradicts the “official narrative.” Media and government are criminal organizations that are destroying our world and freedoms!!
Click on Graphic for Full Article

Summary: There have been actually ZERO COVID-19 deaths globally!!! ALL of the numbers are MADE UP!! And they have destroyed the world for The World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” and the total enslavement of humanity.  For deeper insight into this revelation, see this article here from Global Research.

With the participation of hundreds of professionals from all over the world, 640 “Doctors for the Truth” stated that Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. They urged doctors, the media and political authorities to stop the operation, by spreading the truth.

In a context of great excitement and worldwide expectation, the Doctors for Truth Association was presented at a press conference on Saturday, July 25 in Madrid.  More information is available in this article on Global Research.

***Update to the video above!***

Video Description from Creators: 

An international coalition of 5,200 doctors and scientists condemned governments and Covid policy-makers for their authoritarian strategies for treating the China Virus pandemic*, accusing them in an open letter of preventing physicians from providing life-saving treatments for patients and silencing scientific debate.  Read more here

(*Disclaimer: The Freedom Project 2020 does NOT agree that it is a “China Virus” pandemic, but that the entire thing is a massive illusion and psyop. The documentation on this page is more than enough to prove this position and it represents merely the proverbial tip of the iceberg in the evidence to support this assertion.)

Cui Bono?! Follow the Money!

On April 9, 2020, just less than a month since the officially declared “pandemic,” Dr. Scott Jensen, who is also a Minnesota State Senator, went on Fox News to expose how misleading the COVID-19 cases were being recorded and reported.  It is clear that not only were the numbers being rigged to perpetuate the illusion of a pandemic, but also for hospitals to cash in on special Medicare payments for a COVID diagnosis and triple the amount to have the patient hooked up to a ventilator!  Follow the money?!  For this, he was put under investigation by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice for “allegedly spreading misinformation about COVID-19.”

OOPS!?! Is This The New “Standard?”

This all started with a charlatan in the United Kingdom who predicted millions of global deaths that caused the economic engine of the world to grind to a halt devastating the lives of billions of people around the world and transferring BILLIONS in wealth to the already richest people in the world.  Among other things, this was the biggest wealth grab or theft in history.  See the Great Reset page on this website for more information as to the reason behind this massive scam on humanity. (Click on graphic for full article.)

Operation “Warp Speed” Fraud Revealed

This is a pretty much self-explanatory post from Facebook that illustrates exactly why the medical establishment has gone after anyone and everyone who has spoken out about the positive results of hydroxychloroquine  (HCQ) and had their voices censored. \

According to FDA’s own Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), emergency approval for a vaccine (rushed to market under, say, an HHS program called “Operation Warp Speed”), there must be no other “adequate, approved, and available alternative,” which clearly, there is!  And HCQ is just one of a handful of “alternative” treatments that doctors around the world have used to cure whatever is causing this inflammation of the lungs.  Again, follow the money and the agenda.

They Keep Repeating The SAME GAME!

Does this sound familiar to anyone? It’s from the book, Virus Mania linked to below and published in 2007. As if someone knew the playbook before it happened! Or, maybe, it’s all documented and just kept from public eyes by a media machine controlled by powerful forces that profit off of ignorance and fear. Critical thinking questions need to be asked…

See for yourself and do your own research. This is a very well written and highly documented book!  It is available to download for free at the follow link:

Now that you know that the entire “pandemic” is a massive hoax perpetrated for reasons other than what the public has been told, check out how $30 BILLION of your taxpayer money is being spent!!  If this doesn’t look like a cash-grab boondoggle, I’m not really sure what would! Like pigs to the trough, everyone in government has their hands out for MO MONEY!!  It’s what they do…

(Click Screen Shot above for the original article and to see the entire list.)

The Tests for COVID-19 Are Meaningless!!

The primary tests (RT/PCR) they are using to create the illusion of a “pandemic” were NEVER meant to be used for the diagnosis of any disease.  The Nobel Prize winning inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis, was mortified at what it was used for during another manufactured crisis, AIDS, to destroy the lives of millions around the world; because essentially, an AIDS diagnosis with this test, to many was a death sentence.  The HIV virus was also NEVER proven to cause the condition called “Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome” just as the current global “health crisis” has yet to be proven as caused by a virus.  The person running this scam all the way back in the 80s and still involved to this day is none other than “Doctor” Anthony Fauci.  Follow the money…

MANY Articles Expose The Testing Fraud!

The incessant mantra from “the powers that be” at the WHO, CDC and every government official around the world has been, “test, test, test.”  Ever wonder why we have been propagandized to all get tested, whether we’re feeling sick or not!?  It’s because there were no real deaths from this supposed “contagion” and they needed to create the perception of a “pandemic” with CASES! 

It was all an illusion from the beginning to see how compliant the public has become, to break the economic engine and destroy the middle class, to break the food supply chain, and create dependency, and to allow the World Economic Forum to institute their “Great Reset” and bring about “The Fourth Industrial Revolution.”  It was the greatest scam ever pulled on humanity, and the vast majority fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.  

(Click graphic for Full Article.)

What are the current PCR Tests actually “testing” for anyway?  Well, according to this video and supporting documentation, the “tests” are actually isolating a specific sequence found in all human DNA!  So, basically, if run at the correct number of cycles, every single person on earth would test positive for COVID-19!!  Sounds like the perfect scenario to run a scam of this proportion on the entire world!!

To watch in full screen on BitChute because it was censored from YouKnow who, click here.   And to visit the site of the creator of this video, the amazing Amandha Vollmer, click here!

Understanding The Agenda Behind The “Pandemic”

I came across these videos within the first few weeks of the global “lockdown.”  What shocked me was the date the video on the left was uploaded!!  Celeste Solum is a former FEMA employee of 20 years who left the agency out of sheer conscience after learning what their true agenda was.  In this video she breaks down exactly what was about to happen to this nation (and world) during the “pandemic.”  But, she recorded the video on February 2nd, when most of the world was watching the Super Bowl, never imagining the shit show 2020 would become and a full FIVE WEEKS before the WHO declared a “global pandemic!”  How did she know EXACTLY how things would roll out!?  Because it’s been in the planning stages for YEARS and is being done to destroy American society & human cultures world wide!

The video on the right is another Celeste Solum video in which she goes into the World Economic Forum’s website to show the intricate level of detail that’s gone into this agenda to completely restructure reality and human society.  Again, it is a plan that is DECADES in the making and COVID-19 is only being used as the vector to initiate the program and impose full compliance world wide into the AI-controlled technocratic and dystopian system of complete control over every life on this planet.  If not resisted, humanity as we have known it our entire lives is over…

Technocracy News: The Miserable Pseudo-Science Behind Face Masks, Social Distancing And Contact Tracing

There are a ton of articles, videos, and podcasts out there about the uselessness and health dangers of wearing face masks to supposedly “stop the spread” of COVID-19, but as you know by now, there IS no virus, no contagion, and thus, NO reason to wear them.  So, why is it we’re STILL forced to wear them in many areas of the world?

It’s all about one thing.  Social engineering, operant conditioning and breaking the will of the general public.  The ultimate goal is global technocracy and a communitarian society.  Patrick Wood of Technocracy News & Trends is by far the foremost expert on this in the world.  The article is available by clicking the graphic below and you can listen to the podcast on the right.  This is VITAL information to understand the agenda behind the PLANDEMIC. 

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August 15, 2020 7:59 pm

Great article (five stars) exposing the monumental medical fraud going on in the Virus Hoax.
I read a horrific story about a mother that this PCR test was used on and they took her newborn off her and quarantined her for 55days because she tested ” positive” .
Here in New Zealand they have just told us that if we refuse testing not just me but me and my family will be locked up. Seems like Germany with the biggest protests can see the parallels with the past fascist tyranny of the Nazi movement.

November 11, 2020 2:37 am
Reply to  BDBinc

Thank you! The official launch date of the website is TODAY!!! Check out the latest updates and SHARE with everyone you know!!

July 13, 2021 6:41 pm

Knew it was Bullshit from the second the thing was mentioned before March, I saw the movements.. same thing as the many exercises carried out for over 20 years… I just didn’t realize this was it that they were going live with their plan… Sad times…